These are the people, groups, and organizations to whom we owe the utmost thanks. As we have grown over the years to serve more families in more ways, we often encounter tasks beyond our abilities. Yet God has provided time and again through these people here. Thank you.
Peninsula Bible Church
Palo Alto
Creston Community Church
New Life
Pismo Beach
Maverick Church
Paso Robles
Plymouth Congregational Church
Paso Robles
Caliber Accounting Group
We trust our partners at Caliber Accounting Group deeply. Every year, they provide professional, experienced aid in filing 501c(3) taxes. Many thanks to them for saving us headaches and confusion, and for making sure that we are always accountable.
Church Partners
It would be impossible (or certainly too long) to fully list every person from these communities that has supported and blessed the children of Uganda through their support of us. They have followed the work of the Lord, modeled faithfulness to us, and enabled us to do what we do. We are thankful to each and every one of them.