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Elsie Soderberg

Happy Easter!

Updated: May 21, 2021

Hello, all Zozu supporters! On this day where we celebrate a Savior who is alive still today, we wanted to celebrate His active work that we have witnessed with you. This year, we have had the privilege of not only seeing God move in Uganda but also in the lives of people here in the United States as well. So, without further ado, a selection of testimonies we have received in various emails from our friends and partners. Names have been removed to preserve anonymity:

“Being able to support our sweet student is such a bright spot in our lives! She instantly became a part of our family and we are so thankful for her, her family, and for all of you who make this sponsorship possible. There were many things that went into our decision to choose her, and I’d like to share them with you.

  1. You told me about her at a gathering at the home of one of the members of our church. At that moment, she was in our hearts.

  2. She has the same name as my husband’s mom, in whose name we already made a donation this year when she passed away.

  3. She was born the same year as our granddaughter, so she is like our second grandchild.

  4. It took a few weeks for us to decide we truly wanted to sponsor a child, and when she was still there on the list after all those weeks, we knew she was “ours.”

  5. Blessings to all of you at Zozu… we have already been blessed through our precious student.

– New sponsor, 2018

“Thank you for the video. I look into the children’s eyes, and in the eyes of the children at the school, I see hope. Our student wrote to us last Christmas and said what she prayed for was that we would never stop sponsoring her. We wrote back that we would not, but the impact of her words brought me to my knees spiritually. We thank God for leading you to Uganda, being instrumental in starting this amazing school thus allowing a darling little student that we now sponsor to have a better life. I know my husband feels the same way, and we are always excited when we get a letter from her and a picture. We see such a change in her demeanor over the last few years– how she sparkles makes my heart sing.”

– Sponsor since 2015, 2018

“I had a most wonderful experience yesterday. A friend from another one of the churches I attend asked me if I would pick out a boy’s picture because she and her husband would like to sponsor one. I told her rather than picking out one for her, I would take her up to our church [where there are printed pictures of un-sponsored students], and she could select her own. What an experience. When she made her decision she wiped away tears in her eyes. It was such a moving thing to be a part of. She thanked me for bringing her there and her whole experience of the day. We stayed as it was the day of the sewing club meeting. She went home to bring the experience the women at her church. I guess we never know where our seeds are planted.”

– Supporter, 2019

“…On a side note, my mother came out to visit me this weekend and I was telling her about Zozu Project in the car. I stopped to get the mail and my packet from Zozu with my photo of our sponsored boy was in there. I was moved to tears because I had never seen a picture of him smiling, and he looked much healthier than his sponsorship picture. My family and I went to target and picked out a beautiful frame and his picture is within our family pictures proudly displayed.

My mother was so touched that she immediately called my father and went online and sponsored a student of her own. She would like to send a gift immediately to him and his family.”

– New Sponsor, 2019

We serve a God who is alive and at work to put His world aright! We are deeply blessed to come alongside Him, and our hope is that you are as well. He is risen indeed!

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