As we cheerfully welcome back our students to in-person learning as instructed by the Ugandan government, we want to thank each of our donors. Because of your faithful giving this past year, every Zozu secondary student is returning to classes in Kampala. This is in stark contrast to the crisis throughout Uganda as many secondary students, especially girls, are not returning to secondary school. School closures led to an increase in the burden of care-related tasks, which disproportionately impact girls in many contexts. Girls suffer extra constraints due to social expectations, such as taking on household responsibilities and domestic chores. In the region we serve, they tend to marry and have children early. However, our social workers met daily with our students to keep them engaged in learning and check on their social-emotional needs. We celebrate and give praise to Jesus as we see below Secondary students loading the bus back to school.

Traveling to meet the needs of each student during this past school year has been challenging for our staff as they walk many miles to reach the student's home. The Stewart family heard of this challenge and made a gift to provide bicycles for each teacher. What a gift! Thank you, Stewart family, for being faithful to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.

We want to give a shout-out to our church partners that have been hosting Zozu Project during the past few months to share about the ministry, and raise funds for Solid Rock! Thank you CPCC, PBC, Highlands Church, St. John's Lutheran, and Atascadero Women's Conference.
Do you have a church home? We would love to share about Zozu Project email