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Sponsor a Child


Kane Ayiko #467.JPG
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D.O.B. 3/9/2015

Kane lives with his parents, siblings, and extended family in a small structure. His dad fixes cars and his mother sells produce at the market to provide for the household of seven. They don’t have running water at home, so Kane has to walk to a well every day to fetch water for the family. He prefers playing football with neighborhood kids. When asked what he would do if he could do anything when he grows up, he said he would like to work as a doctor.

For $35 a month, you can help a child thrive. For more information, please read our sponsorship FAQ's.


If you want to make an even bigger impact for these kids, we're currently looking for voluteers who want to run a sponsorship drive in their community! Take a bigger step, join the team, and change lives with us. Email for more details. 

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